How to make sweet potato porridge

My name is Sally and i would like to introduce and invite you all to my Channel. I an here to share with you all my food journey and amazing food recipes that will leave you wanting more

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 1 Students enrolled
Created by Jungle House Last updated Tue, 23-Jun-2020 English
What will i learn?
  • Yummy

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1 Lessons 00:01:49 Hours
How to make sweet potato porridge
1 Lessons 00:01:49 Hours
  • How to make sweet potato porridge 00:01:49
  • Anyone passionate about food
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Here is a simple sweet potato dish. It can he healthy if you do not add palm oil or use a healthy palm oil. Try this out and enjoy

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  • 00:01:49 Hours On demand videos
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